Vermilion Theater thanks for your support!

  • Donate

    Donations to Vermilion Theater are tax deductible. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires “proof of donation,” meaning a written statement from the organization,for those who donate $250 or more over the course of a year. Please email if you need acknowledgement letters for donations.

  • Become a Sponsor

    Your business name on the big screen? Your company logo on the billboard? Even better... you knowing that AAPI cultural scene just got richer because of your support. Vermilion is open to business collaborations and sponsorship (with various sponsorship tiers, a la carte items and customizable plan just for you). Please reach out and we will explore a shared future together!

    Contact our treasurer:

    Aaron Chen,

  • Join us

    Join us at Vermillion Theater and become a part of our passionate and creative team. We are always on the lookout for talented individuals who share our love for the performing arts and are dedicated to foster a sense of belonging among the Chinese diaspora and the broader non-Mandarin-speaking audience along the East Coast. Whether you have experience in theater production, event managing, public relations, or just want to be part of a family - apply to join us TODAY!